Content: 24 mlIsopropyl Nitrite - CAS 541-42-4
Isopropanol - CAS 67-63-0
Rush White Edition poppers is an innovative new formula from the makers of the original Rush PWD with potent, long-lasting effects that will power up your sex drive like never before!
The recipe has been stripped down to its most potent and pure form for the best effects imaginable. If you're horny and looking for maximum effects during your popperbating session or anal play, try out Rush White Edition!
The isopropyl nitrite inside the Rush White Edition poppers it is made with PWD's secret recipe for maximum purity, and propyl being the most potent of the three legal nitrites, you can be sure that you're investing more bang for your buck!
This brand-new bottle is slimmer but contains as much poppers as the square bottles, reducing the stump in your pockets (but hopefully not the one in your pants) and looking slick af!
Get ready for fulfilling fantasies, unrestrained adventures and ecstatic moments thanks to this incredibly strong formula poppers.
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